Trondheim 2016 with Thomas Nordström
The various parts of the lookout tower illustrate the development and the idea of building on the knowledge acquired by previous generations. The base of the lookout tower consists of recycled stone from Trondheim's old square. Stones that have been part of earlier foundations. The intersection of the tower consists of a wooden structure reminiscent of Norwegian stave churches. The structure forms an intricate pattern. The upper part of the tower has a modernist, organic, futuristic expression and consists of a stainless steel basket structure. The shape is asymmetrical and one can imagine that it is in a power field. Earth's magnetic field is the prerequisite for the compass function that revolutionized human orientation and travel. The tower remind us building on a stable foundation with different experiences from different times. It is also about having visions, developing ideas, taking the next steps, making outlook, influencing and being influenced in a global context.
Foto Grethe Britt Fredriksen